Sabtu, 18 Juli 2009

High Stockings » Entertainment

1: The Concert Legends
“Without music, life would be a mistake” is a famous old saying. However, without the great musicians there is no great music. Those who are really interested in live concerts would have come across the names Tom Petty, Kanye West, Kenny Chesney, and Jimmy Buffett.

2: Disney Today Info Source
Just take a look at all of the big name celebrities who have become hugely successful after a start on the Disney Channel. Mel Gibson as you know has run into trouble on the West Coast with his drinking, and purported anti-Semitic remarks resulting in Disney cancelling a Holocaust series with Gibson's production company.

3: Sweet Trivia Question And Answer
Sweet Trivia Question And Answer about candy and other sweet treats

4: A Retrospective Look at Every Ozzy Osbourne Album
Ozzy Osbourne is an icon. I like to call him "The Johnny Cash of Heavy Metal." Seriously, look at their careers and you will see where I draw some of the parallels. His successful career has now spanned over 30 years, starting off with his famed start in Black Sabbath and then moving onto an equally successful solo career. I will be reviewing his solo discography (ie. No Black Sabbath material).

5: Have A Home Bar Halloween Party
When that time of year rolls around when the days get gradually cooler and the trees change color, It is time to plan a Halloween party around your home bar.Home bars are great "centerpieces" in which to focus your party's theme. They are a natural place for guests to get acquainted and food and beverages to be served.

6: Enjoy These Useless Facts And Fun Trivia Questions And Answers
Useless Facts And Fun Trivia Questions And Answers

7: Fact Is Funnier Than Comedy
Instead of watching that funny movie, why not just look at real life? Often fact is funnier than fiction.

8: Consumption of Music on a Rise
Music is being consumed in more ways than one and at a higher rate then every before. The MTV generation is use to not only hearing their music but seeing it as well. If they see a song that they like they can then buy that songs in multiple media forms from vinyl and CD to digital with DRM (digital rights management) and Mp3 without DRM.

9: Digitalization of Entertainment
Consumers have moved rapidly to adopting digital formats for consuming entertainment-related content. The most obvious example of this is music and video downloads, with Apple’s iTunes and YouTube as leading examples. Apple has sold more than one billion songs via its iTunes music store and it continues to demonstrate a spectacular rate of growth.

10: How Did You Get in The Front Row?
This article reveals how some fans get those hard to get tickets!

How Did You Get in The Front Row?

Have you ever asked someone how they got their tickets? This article reveals the different methods on finding out when events go on sale, how fans get tickets to sold out shows, and how fans get upfront tickets to their favorite shows.

As a ticket broker, I've had tons of people ask me, "How do you get your tickets?", and a few years ago I would be reluctant to reveal my sources. Since the evolution of the internet and the fierce competition that it has brought on, I find it better to inform people on some tricks on just how to get valuable, upfront seating. First, I will start with ticket onsales. You must know when a show is going onsale before you can even have a chance at obtaining good tickets. Ticketmaster is probably the largest primary ticket seller to most events and you'll want to get updates from this company. There are two methods to get these updates. The first is that you can simply log on to their website and sign up to get upcoming events emailed to you. The second is that since most onsales occur on Saturday mornings, you can check their homepage every Friday for any information pertaining. Another recent source of onsale information, comes from Livenation. Like ticketmaster, they have become a primary seller of tickets in which they also feature a newsletter that fans can sign up for as well.

Now that you know when tickets are going onsale, it's time for the hard part, getting good tickets or getting any tickets for that matter. The Neanderthal days of going to a ticketmaster outlet and getting tickets is almost all but over. For example, in the city of my hometown, Chicago, ticketmaster outlets are located at places such as Carson Pirie Scott, and a few remaining record stores. When you go there on Saturday morning to buy tickets they will always throw a lottery, usually by a security guard. Whoever wins the lottery is the first person to buy tickets, and every number after the winning one lines up in order. Now if you think your going to have a chance at winning the lottery, think again. Most of the ticketmaster machines are paid off, usually by a ticket broker or other reseller of tickets. Please don't get too upset at this fact, I'm just trying to be informative. Remember, our current President was elected this way as well. Anyway, due to all of the internet presales I no longer use this method in that good tickets rarely come up.

Internet presales and fan clubs are also able methods of obtaining tickets as well. Usually with a presale, you have to join your favorite performer's fan club. You can do this by typing your band's name followed by "fan club", into google. By now most performers have a fan club, so a successful search should come up, but expect to pay a fee to join. Once you join their fan club, they will usually email concert updates along with passwords to buy tickets. Limited tickets are released during these presales so make sure that your ready to buy at the onset of the presale. Personally, I have been successful at some presales, but I have come up empty during most of them. It has been suggested that fee based fan clubs are just another money making scheme in the ticket industry, and again from my experience, I would agree.

Another primary way of obtaining tickets, especially to your favorite sports team, is to get season tickets. Depending on the sport this method can get pretty expensive. For example, the Chicago Cubs offer different season ticket plans, and generally the larger the ticket plan, the better your seats will be. Again, this method can get pricey.

If you've tried all of the methods above but have come up short, than your next option would be the secondary market. Ebay, Stubhub, and TicketAmerica are just to name a few. I won't go into Ebay that much, but I will simply say that tickets go to the highest bidder. Stubhub on the other hand likes to portray itself as "Fans selling unused tickets to other fans", which is only somewhat true. Sure there are fans selling tickets that they cannot use, but there are a lot of ticket brokers and ticket resellers that list on Stubhub. I have been listing my tickets on Stubhub for almost three years. Furthermore Stubhub marks up each ticket 30 percent, 15 charged to the seller and 15 charged to the buyer. When brokers put there tickets on Stubhub, a common practice will be for the broker to price his tickets higher on Stubhub, than his own website to make up for the difference. Going through a ticket broker such as TicketAmerica is another option. As with most ticket brokers, this company is linked to various other ticket brokers. This is why you will see their ticket inventory posted on several other ticket websites. Going through ticket brokers can be pricey, but it saves a heck of a lot of time and aggravation.

The internet has really changed the ticket industry, and it can seem like an endless maze trying to obtain your favorite tickets. Hopefully this article can shed some light and get you in the front row!

Gary Ketchum
CEO TicketAmerica

Digitalization of Entertainment

Consumers have moved rapidly to adopting digital formats for consuming entertainment-related content. The most obvious example of this is music and video downloads, with Apple’s iTunes and You Tube as leading examples. Apple has sold more than one billion songs via its iTunes music store and it continues to demonstrate a spectacular rate of growth. Over 30,000,000 individuals have purchased an ipod portable music device, and tens of millions of other consumers use one of dozens of other portable devices to listen to music. Other platforms for listening to music are equally successful, and in the case of Microsoft’s Windows Media Player even more dominant with over 90,000,000 systems running the software globally. Real Networks Rhapsody, and Yahoo! Music represent other major entrants in this space. In addition to those companies selling licensed music downloads for a fee, peer-to-peer networks such as Limewire and Morpheus claim to have tens of millions of users sharing music and other files on a continual basis.

As consumers have become comfortable purchasing (and stealing) music online, they are now beginning to download other digital forms of entertainment, including music videos, short-subject films, television shows, and even full-length Hollywood pictures. Traditional media companies have recognized the opportunity to establish new revenue streams and leverage old assets by enabling consumers to download television programming for a fee, and the adoption rate appears to match the early days of music downloading. The increasing penetration of broadband connections (over 50 million homes in the US), advances in software that enables high-quality downloads, and content companies recognizing an enormous opportunity to distribute directly and inexpensively to consumers has created a tidal shift in the number of digital media assets available for download to computers, handheld devices, and even cell phones.

Companies such as YouTube are at the forefront of the intersection of video entertainment and the fragmentation of media due to the empowerment of the consumer. Hundreds of millions of videos are downloaded weekly from YouTube (as well as dozens of competitors), and a significant portion of those videos are not “professionally” produced. More importantly, new talent in various entertainment fields are being discovered through these distribution platforms and forever changing how entertainment is conceived, produced, distributed, and valued.

Consumption of Music on a Rise

Music is being consumed in more ways than one and at a higher rate then every before. The MTV generation is use to not only hearing their music but seeing it as well. If they see a song that they like they can then buy that songs in multiple media forms from vinyl and CD to digital with DRM (digital rights management) and Mp3 without DRM. If they like the video and the song then they can go to Youtube and view it there until their hearts content. But the digitalization of music has done more. Not only is it easier to view videos but it easier to find and discover new music, acts and bands as well.

MySpace has built a multi-billion dollar network on the backs of up-and-coming acts and unsigned bands and their friends. Myspace and sites like this have exposed many people to new and unheard music and continue to do so at an astonishing rate each day. As a band or act it is now seen as a smart business move and cool to be associated with a brand or land a sync-license in a TV show or commercial. This twenty years before was a direct threat to your artistic vision and classified as “selling out”. But now these things are all used to innovatively expose music to the masses and making it easier to discover it.

Technology has created mega-channels of distribution. Peer-to-peer networks have opened the floodgates to obtaining free music. Furthermore, because digitized music takes of bytes instead of floor space you are now given a wider range of music to choose from at digital retailers. And of course copying CDs have never been easier and soon the CD will be wiped from that equation level just the transfer of bytes in order to obtain your music.

What this means is that music consumption is increasing. Production cost is lowering. Distribution is widening and more acts and bands are being heard. There is a need out there for making the discovery and sharing of music simpler and easier. Music is an identifier for many people and these people are getting larger and larger iPods that just simply need to be filled.

Fact Is Funnier Than Comedy

When I need a chuckle, I try to watch a sitcom or read the funnies. When my need for comedy is greater, then I invest my time in watching a complete movie. But when nothing but the funniest will do, I just observe the so-called real world around me.

The fact that this is really happening makes all the weird stuff all the more funny. To begin with, one tends to have a basic expectation of common sense from people. But the word common is misleading, as most often what we would classify as common sense is fairly uncommon.

What? Are you having trouble believing me? Well just turn to the weird news section of any newspaper or portal web site. Honestly, I used to think that all this was just made up. But I finally got to meet some of the people in these real world snafus and became a believer.

What would you say of the owner who claims that her cat dialed 911 thereby calling the police in time to save her life? Or the person who called Nine One One and claimed to not be able to find the Eleven button on his phone, thereby not being able to call Nine-Eleven, Or the bank robber who had his name prominently labeled across the motor bike helmet he wore to a bank? If I keep extending this list, you will soon get convinced that I am making this up as I am going along.

I am reminded of the words of Ernest Hemingway when we would sit on the steps of, whatever he sat on the steps of, and "see the world walk by." Well, Hemingway and I share that in common, except that it seems like I am more entertained than Hemingway was, as I do not just see the world walk by, but also make a fool of itself all along the way.

So, when you feel that things are all so sad and boring, just look around. Do not bother about reading a joke book. Instead consider reading a news paper. Knowing what happened when a duck went to the bar and asked for a drink can be fun the first time you hear it. Responding to a "Knock Knock" can be fun the first hundred times you hear it. But, a constant, evergreen, and "unreal" source of chuckles is the real world.

It is no wonder then that movie makers spend time, energy, and money in including bloopers at the end of all movies. Many people claim that these bloopers are more fun than the actual movie.

Enjoy These Useless Facts And Fun Trivia Questions And Answers

Question: Which is stronger -- concrete or bone?

Answer: Bone

Useless Fact: Human bones can actually resist 40 times more stress than concrete. Don't believe it is true? Then picture a piece of concrete the size of a bone and imagine how easily it would break.

Question: What bird lays its egg in another bird's nest?

Answer: Cuckoo, Cowbird, Whyda, Honeyguide and Black-headed Duck

Useless Fact: These birds, called brood parasites, lay their eggs in another bird's nest and let the other bird parents feed and raise their chicks. The "egg abandoner" is then free to mate again and lay more eggs in another nest. The cuckoo is the best known brood parasite and an expert in the art of cruel deception. Its strategy involves stealth, surprise and speed. The mother removes one egg laid by the host mother, lays her own and flies off with the host egg in her bill. The whole process takes barely ten seconds. Cuckoos parasitize the nests of a large variety of bird species and carefully mimic the colour and pattern of their own eggs to match that of their hosts. Each female cuckoo specializes on one particular host species. How the cuckoo manages to lay eggs to imitate each host's eggs so accurately is one of nature's main mysteries.

Question: What is the largest invertebrate?

Answer: Colossal Squid

Useless Fact: A species of squid reported to be significantly larger than the giant squid, is called the Colossal squid, officially named Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni. In February 2007 a live colossal squid was brought to the surface in Antarctic waters by a New Zealand fishing boat. This enormous squid, which was determined to be a male of the species, was 10 meters (32.8 feet), and weighed 450 kilograms (992 pounds), making it the largest squid (the largest invertebrate) ever captured. What is even more astonishing is that, from what scientists know about squid species in general, there is great sexual dimorphism in squids, with females being significantly larger than the males. If that holds true for the Colossal squid, this male specimen that was captured could very well be dwarfed by a much larger female of the species.

Question: What does the first letter of a radio station's call sign mean?

Answer: The location of the station

Useless Fact: Generally, in the United States, call signs begin with K west of the Mississippi River, and W to the east.

Question: Where was the first McD0nald's located?

Answer: Arcada, California

Useless Fact: Brothers Dick and Mac McDonald open a hot dog stand called the Airdome in Arcadia, California. In 1940, the brothers move to San Bernardino, California, on Route 66. After noting that almost all of their profits came from hamburgers, the brothers close down the restaurant for several months in 1948 to implement their innovative "Speedee Service System", a streamlined assembly line for hamburgers.

Question: What is the largest insect?

Answer: Acteon Beetle or Longhorn Beetle

Useless Fact: There are different ways of measuring the size of an insect, most people would consider the largest insect to be the bulkiest and in that case the largest insect is the Acteaeom Beetle from South America. The male beetles can be 9cms long by 5cms wide by 4cms thick. If you want to measure largest by overall size, check out the South American Longhorn Beetle (Titanus giganteus) these giants can be over 16cms in body length (not including antennae) One other beetle, Dynastes hercules is also well known for reaching 16cms in length though it is not nearly as heavy. The longest insect in the world is the Stick-Insect (Pharnacia serritypes), the females of which can be over 36cm long.

Have A Home Bar Halloween Party

When that time of year rolls around when the days get gradually cooler and the trees change color, It is time to plan a Halloween party around your home bar.Home bars are great "centerpieces" in which to focus your party's theme. They are a natural place for guests to get acquainted and food and beverages to be served.This article will focus on some ideas for party themes, favors, decorations and entertainment.

When all is said and done, a Halloween party would not be complete without costumes. Your decision on costumes has everything to do with the selection of your party's theme, and the guests you intend to invite. Some party themes will probably require that you and your guests rent or purchase professionally designed costumes. If you feel renting or purchasing costumes will be necessary, consult with your guests first. On the other hand, some party themes will be easily suited to homemade costumes. Let your imagination be your guide.

A theme that is easily adapted to your home bar would be a "wild west" theme. All your guests should be given a particular "character" to play. The females should probably uniformly be "saloon girls", as they were the only women allowed in saloons. If you have a friend with a bushy mustache, he could be the bartender. Just slick back his hair and give him an apron or vest. A fun form of entertainment would be to have a "gunfight"between a designated marshall and a wanted "bad" guy. Water pistols only, of course! Tables could be set up for poker and black jack games, with an appropriately dressed dealer. Whole peanuts in the shell and pretzels are perfect snacks "of the day."Make sure that you have mugs for the beer and old fashioned shot glasses for the whiskey.

If your home bar has a "retro" theme, a "Star Wars" theme could be great fun. Most of us remember the famous futuristic bar scene from Star Wars. You could attempt to duplicate some of the characters who appeared in the scene, as well as the traditional members of the cast. For a "Star Wars" theme, you are probably going to need professional costumes and props.A fun drink recipe might be "Nuclear Waste," which contains Blue Curacao, orange juice and vodka. Or you might consider blue jello "shots."The music might be hits from the 50's or 60's, which is certainly ironic in a futuristic gathering.Another fun activity would be to play charades in costume. That is always good for a few laughs!

A couple of final party theme ideas would be a "gypsy"theme. You could have Tarot card and palm reading as entertainment. Or even a 60's and 70's theme, complete with bell bottoms and "Beatle" wigs. The point of the party is to have fun and "cut loose."Please remember to plan ahead, Halloween is right around the corner. Happy Halloween!

A Retrospective Look at Every Ozzy Osbourne Album

Another Ozzfest, another album, and another year of the Ozz-Man is in the books. No one can argue with the fact that Ozzy Osbourne is an icon. I like to call him "The Johnny Cash of Heavy Metal."

Look at their careers and you will see where I draw some of the parallels. His successful career has now spanned over 30 years, starting off with his famed start in Black Sabbath and then moving onto an equally successful solo career. I will be reviewing his solo discography (ie. No Black Sabbath material)

1980 - Blizzard of Ozz

The first of the two Ozzy Osbourne/Randy Rhoades albums. Blizzard of Ozz is simply a masterpiece Ozzy had just left Black Sabbath signed a record deal, and this was released to compete with Black Sabbath's Dio debut Heaven & Hell.

"Crazy Train" is an anthem, now. "Goodbye to Romance" is an excellent ballad. "Suicide Solution" has a great lyrical theme, despite all its controversy. "Mr. Crowley" is an eerie song that also works great for a horror movie soundtrack, as I know from personal experience. I recommend this one to not just fans of metal. I recommend this to the casual listener. You will appreciate this album!

Strong Tracks - "Crazy Train," "Goodbye To Romance," "Suicide Solution," "Mr. Crowley," "Revelation (Mother Earth)," "Steal Away (The Night)," and "I Don't Know"

"Eh..." Tracks - "Dee," "No Bone Movies"

Weak Tracks - NONE

Rating: *****

1981 - Diary of a Madman

This is the second and last studio album to be released featuring Randy Rhoades before his tragic plane accident. This one generally is most hardcore fans of Ozzy's favorite solo album. Personally, I prefer Blizzard of Ozz, but that is just me.

To me, this one is all about "Flying High Again." I love that song. "Over the Mountain," in my opinion, is a bit overplayed. The rest is gold. The title track, "Diary of a Madman," is a bonafide classic!

If you are a casual listener of music and loved my first suggestion of Blizzard of Ozz, then you are going to love this one as well. If you are a metal fan of any kind... this belongs on your shelf / iPod.

Strong Tracks - "Flying High Again," You Can't Kill Rock 'n' Roll," "Believer," "S.A.T.O.," "Diary of a Madman"

"Eh..." Tracks - "Over the Mountain," "Little Dolls," "Tonight"

Weak Tracks - NONE

Rating: *****

1982 - Speak of the Devil

This featured Ozzy performing all of the Black Sabbath hits live. This was done to mostly to compete with Black Sabbath's live album featuring Ronnie James Dio. This is the first album to not feature Randy Rhoades.

When I rate a live album, I look for a few things.

Song Selection - It's a concept live album featuring nothing but Black Sabbath songs. So, naturally, it gets a Grade A here.

Sound Quality - The sound on the album is very good. No real complaints.

Artist Performance - Ozzy's voice was off during these performances. To be blunt, he mostly sounds drunk throughout the set. The band's timing is also a bit off the

majority of the concert.

Bottom Line - If you want a live Black Sabbath album featuring Ozzy on vocals, get the 1998 Reunion album. You can pass this one up and your life would pretty much be the same.

Rating: ***

1983 - Bark at the Moon

This is the first post-Rhoades album, and about the only other one worth your time before Zakk Wylde came on board.

he album's title track, "Bark at the Moon" has one of the best opening riffs is one of Ozzy's best songs. The rest is pretty much hit or miss, and it seems like Ozzy was trying to capture the magic of the first two albums. A few tracks sound like they are trying to be sequels to previous favorites. For example, "So Tired" seems to be going for the "Goodbye To Romance" vibe, but totally bombing. Regardless, Bark at the Moon is worth your time if you are a fan of the genre.

STRONG>Strong Tracks - "Bark at the Moon," "Rock'n' Roll Rebel," "Now You See It,"

"Now You Don't"

"Eh..." Tracks - "You're No Different," "Slow Down"

Weak Tracks - "So Tired," "Waiting for Darkness," "Centre of Eternity"

Rating: ***1/2

1986 - The Ultimate Sin

This was Ozzy's attempt at hair metal. Now, I am not going to just give it one star because its hair band material. There is some hair band material that I like, and Bon Jovi's Slippery When Wet, this is not. "Shot in the Dark" is the "hit" on the album, but it doesn't match pretty many other Ozzy Osbourne single out there.

For completists ONLY. Otherwise, it is a sin to pay more than $2 on The Ultimate Sin.

Strong Tracks - NONE

"Eh..." Tracks -

"Shot in the Dark," "The Ultimate Sin," "Never"

Weak Tracks - "Secret

Loser," "Never Know Why," "Thank God For The Bomb," "Lightning Strikes," "Fool

Like You"

Rating: *

1987 - Tribute

This album was released as a tribute to Randy Rhoades, one of the greatest guitarists to be

taken before his time. Out of all of the live Ozzy albums, this one is the best. When I rate a live album, I look for a few things.

Song Selection - The song selection here is awesome featuring the best tracks of Blizzard & Diary plus some classic Black Sabbath (you should hear Randy totally tear it up on "Paranoid").

Sound Quality - The sound quality is fantastic. It is crystal clear and Ozzy's vocals come out great.

Artist Performance - The performance is fantastic. Ozzy doesn't sound drunk and, of course, Randy's guitars are crazy awesome!

Bottom Line - This is Ozzy's best live album. If you love the Ozzman and/or live albums, GET IT!

Rating: *****

1988 - No Rest for the Wicked

No Rest for the Wicked features the debut of Zakk Wylde. Unfortunately this is another "hair band"-like album, and isn't very memorable. It isn't the steaming pile of cow dung that is Ultimate Sin, but it is the one album that pretty much Ozzy fans don't talk about too much. The only saving grace is Mr. Wylde. There are tracks that have potential, such as "Bloodbath in Paradise," but end up going nowhere.

Strong Tracks - "Miracle Man," "Fire in the Sky"

"Eh..." Tracks - "Devil's Daughter," "Crazy Babies," "Breaking all the Rules," "Bloodbath in Paradise," "Hero"

Weak Tracks - "Tattooed Dancer," "Demon Alcohol"

Rating: *1/4

1990 - Just Say Ozzy

A live album that is an EP? That is not exactly something I would be trying to sell.

When I rate a live album, I look for a few things.

Song Selection - Horrible! It features absolutely nothing from Ozzy's first

three studio solo albums, but it features "Sweet Leaf?" Don't get me wrong, it is one of my favorite Sabbath songs, but it seems like such a random selection when you have potential picks such as "Crazy Train" or even "Bark at the Moon."

Sound Quality - Not that great. The drums seem to dominate more than the guitars, and the vocals are a little on the tinny side.

Artist Performance - Not bad. Not a blow away performance.

Bottom Line - Not worth your time. Why couldn't they have just released a full concert?

Rating: *

1991 - No More Tears

This can essentially be considered Ozzy's comeback album. After entering rehab, Ozzy was off a lot of the drugs that was plaguing his life. After enlisting some outside professional songwriters, and finally utilizing Zakk Wylde to his full potential, Ozzy released this masterpiece and reinvented his sound.

For one, this is the first solo work where Ozzy learned the fine art of the "demo."

Zakk really shines on this album, especially in tracks like "S.I.N." and "Mister Tinkertrain." "Mama, I'm Coming Home" is a wonderful ballad and Ozzy's best since "Goodbye to Romance." Even the "Eh..." tracks are very good! Highly recommended for not just Ozzy and/or metal fans, but everybody!

Strong Tracks - "Mister Tinkertrain," "I Don't Want to Change the World," "Mama I'm Coming Home," "Desire," "No More Tears," "Hellraiser," "S.I.N.," "Time After Time," "Road To Nowhere"

"Eh..." Tracks - "Zombie Stomp," "AVH"

Weak Tracks - NONE

Rating: *****

2003 - Live and Loud

This is an excellent live album and is the first one to feature a slightly more sober Ozzy on stage.

Song Selection - It is a great retrospective of Ozzy's career with a nice healthy mix of solo material and Sabbath material. About the notably most absent track is Iron Man, but it isn't technically an Ozzy song, so I won't count that against the score.

Sound Quality - Perfect. Absolutely no complaints.

Artist Performance. The performance is fantastic. Zakk Wylde really shines here and always brings his "A-Game" to a concert. You can also feel the emotion from Ozzy during "Changes." We even get a Sabbath reunion on the track, ironically, "Black Sabbath." Above all else, the most memorable performance is "Mama, I'm Coming Home."

Bottom Line - The only reason why this doesn't get five stars is because Tribute just edges this one out. You should also get the video if you get a chance because it is excellent.

Rating: ****3/4

2009 - Ozzmosis

This is definitely the softest and most melodic Ozzy album ever released. It generally is hated by Ozz fans, but I personally enjoy it.

However, I like to keep an open mind. My favorite track on this one is Perry Mason. I will admit, there is something that just doesn't seem right about Ozzmosis. After thinking about it for awhile, I think it's the expensive production values that really save this album from going completely down the crapper. If it was more raw like Ozzy's earlier work, this would be a much worse album.

Trivia - Bad English AND Journey's Deen Castronovo does the drums on this album.

Strong Tracks - "Perry Mason," "I Just Want You," "See You on the Other Side," "Ghost Behind My Eyes," "Denial," "My Jekyll Doesn't Hide"

"Eh..." Tracks - "Thunder Underground," "Tomorrow," "My Little Man," "Old LA Tonight"

Weak Tracks - NONE

Rating: ***1/2

2009 - The Ozzman Cometh

This compilation is quite excellent, but, in the end, it's the horrible Sabbath demo tracks that hurt this album. That room could have been saved for the notably missing such as "Flying High Again," "Perry Mason," and "Suicide Solution." The new track, "Back on Earth," is a nice addition to the Ozzy catalog as well. If one is looking for a good introduction, you probably will want to opt for one of those unofficial The Essential releases.

Rating: ***

2009 - Down to Earth

Blah! This album was released around the start of The Osbournes. To me, it seems like "Ozzmosis 2," and you know how sequels can go sometimes. If nothing else, "Gets Me Through" is a memorable song because the lyrics pretty much sums up most of the career of Ozzy Osbourne. "Dreamer" is a great ballad, but it sounds like it belongs more on a Journey album rather than an Ozzy album.

Overall, this is a mediocre effort, at best.

Strong Tracks - "Gets Me Through," "Facing Hell," "Dreamer," "Black Illusion"

"Eh..." Tracks - "No Easy Way Out," "That I Never Had," "Alive," "Junkie"

Weak Tracks - "You Know," "Running Out of Time"

Rating: **1/2

2009 - Live at Budokan

This is a horrible live album. After Tribute and Live & Loud, this is a huge disappointment. It was obviously slapped together to take advantage of The Osbournes success.

Song Selection - Thirteen songs? Only thirteen fucking songs? Not only that, but not even a great selection. Outside of Down to Earth, which this tour was promoting, the songs that don't belong are "Believer, "Road to Nowhere," and "I Don't Want To Change the World." What notably is absent are "Goodbye to Romance," "Flying High Again," "Suicide Solution," "Miracle Man," and one of the hits on Ozzmosis should have been stuck on there.

Sound Quality - The biggest problem is the mixing on the album. I've heard amateur bootlegs better than this. Ozzy's vocals tends to echo like you were in the nose bleed section of an arena with shitty acoustics. Its only positive is that Zakk Wylde's guitar squeals sound great.

Artist Performance - It was okay, but I can attribute it possible exhaustion as Ozzy was a rather busy man at this point.

Bottom Line - Pass this piece of garbage up. Get Live & Loud or Tribute instead.

Rating: *1/2

2009 - Prince of Darkness

This is a box set of demos, rarities, b-sides, live performances, and covers. Overall, it is a good compilation for completists only.

Disc 1 - Demos, Live Performances, and the 2002 Remastered Versions of some of Ozzy's earlier hits.

Disc 2 - See Disc 1

Disc 3 - Collaborations. Best disc in the entire set! For one, you have Primus's fabulous

cover of "NIB," that I think is actually better than the original. Could have really done without the Miss Piggy collab, though. Instead, how about "Close My Eyes Forever" with Lita Ford? It was a pretty big hit at the time and should have been on this disc!

Disc 4 - Covers. Some good. Some


I emphasize for completists only.

Rating: ***

2009 - Under Cover

This is basically 9 of the 10 covers from Disc 4 of Prince of Darkness with 4 more covers thrown on there.

I like cover albums, if they are done right. A good cover takes a great classic and reinterprets it for a whole new generation to listen to... giving it a fresh new sound without losing the magic and mystique of the original. Some of my favorite covers ever are Disturbed's versions of Genesis's "Land of Illusion," KoRn's version of Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall", Johnny Cash's version of Nine Inch Nails' "Hurt" and Marilyn Manson's version of "Sweet Dreams."

Sadly, none of that magic is found here.

Some of these songs, I am a genuine fan on, but they are totally butchered in these covers. For example, "Sunshine of Your Love" is my favorite Cream song pretty much ever. Here, it doesn't even get close to matching up with the original. The production values here rival William Hung's debut album.

This is karaoke night with Ozzy. The only real positive here is Jerry Cantrell's guitars and that's about it. Stay away from this one at all costs... unless you're a


Strong Tracks - "Mississippi Queen"

"Eh..." Tracks - "Go Now," "Working Class Hero," "Sympathy For The Devil," "21st Century Schizoid Man"

Weak Tracks - "Woman," "In My Life," "For What It's Worth," "All The Young Dudes," "Sunshine Of Your Love," "Fire," "Rocky Mountain Way," "Good Times"

Rating: **1/2

2009 - Black Rain

This was Ozzy's first studio album with original material in over half a decade. It was also the first album that Ozzy Osbourne created while remaining completely sober. It turned out really well, too. It doesn't touch his three best albums, but its much better than many of his other efforts.

Strong Tracks - "I Don't Wanna Stop," "Trapdoor," "God Bless the Almighty Dollar," "Not Going Away," "Black Rain"

"Eh..." Tracks - "Countdown's Begun," "Silver"

Weak Tracks - "Lay Your World On Me," "Here For You"

Rating: ***3/4

In conclusion, there are no arguments that Ozzy is one of the greatest artists of our time. Some might say that he should retire. I more would like to quote Ozzy's latest hit, when it comes listening to the legend, "I don't wanna stop."

Sweet Trivia Question And Answer

1. Chocolate is made from cocoa beans. But where do cocoa beans grow?
A. On trees
B. On bushes
C. On vines
D. On roots

A. On trees
TOPICS: Cocoa beans come from cacao trees that grow in tropical regions of the world

2. During World War II, production of Hershey’s Kisses was halted. Do you know why?
A. Chocolate shortage
B. Sugar shortage
C. Aluminum foil shortage
D. Hershey's produced rations instead of candy during the war

C. Aluminum foil shortage
TOPICS: During World War II, production of Hershey’s Kisses was halted. Not because of a shortage of chocolate, but because the signature aluminum foil packaging was rationed.

3. Where could the babe that the Baby Ruth candy bar was named for be found at the time?
A. Yankee Stadium
B. Hollywood
C. Broadway
D. Washington, D.C.

D. Washington, D.C.
TOPICS: The Baby Ruth was named after the first child born in the White House - Ruth - who was born to President Grover Cleveland in 1891 and later died in 1904. The candy manufacturer strongly denies any association with the famous Yankee.

4. What candy bar was included in U.S. solders' rations during World War II?
A. PayDay
B. Heath Bar
C. Snickers
D. Twix

B. Heath Bar
TOPICS: Heath bars were included in U.S. soldiers' rations during World War II because they had been found to have a very long shelf life. Originally marketed as a health food, the Heath bar was advertising as using only the finest ingredients. One early ad read: "Heath for better health!"

5. Where was milk chocolate invented?
A. England
B. America
C. Switzerland
D. France

C. Switzerland
TOPICS: A Swiss chocolate maker, Daniel Peter, mixes Henri Nestle's condensed milk with chocolate and the two men found a company to manufacture the first milk chocolate.

6. What candy bar was originally packaged to include three separate pieces of candy flavored vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry?
A. Twix
B. Mounds
C. Mars
D. 3 Musketeers

D. 3 Musketeers
TOPICS: When it was first introduced in 1932, the 3 Musketeers bar was packaged to include three separate pieces of candy flavored vanilla, chocolate and strawberry -- thus the name THREE Musketeers. Causing some confusion to tourists worldwide, the 3 Musketeers bar is called a Milky Way in European countries, and the U.S. version of the Milky Way is called a Mars Bar.

7. Aztec emperor Montezuma drank 50 golden goblets of hot chocolate every day. What special flavoring did he add?
A. Vanilla
B. Coffee
C. Chili pepper
D. Blood

C. Chili pepper
TOPICS: It was thick, dyed red and flavored with chili peppers.

8. Where do Hershey’s Kisses get their name?
A. Their inventor
B. Their flavor
C. Their shape
D. Their sound

D. Their sound
TOPICS: Hershey’s Kisses get their name from the sound and motion of the machines that produce them. It looks and sounds as if the machine is kissing the conveyor belt as it moves along.

9. What flavor is the oldest gum still available today?
A. Licorice
B. Cherry
C. Spearmint
D. Clove

A. Licorice
TOPICS: The oldest gum still available is licorice-flavored Blackjack Chewing Gum. It was first introduced in 1872 and was the first flavored gum in the United States.

10. What candy bar was named after its inventor's family horse?
A. Twix
B. Pay Day
C. Snickers
D. Almond Joy

C. Snickers
TOPICS: Originally introduced in 1929 by Frank and Ethel Mars, the Snickers bar was named after their family horse. The original Snickers bars were sold for a nickel and consisted primarily of chocolate, peanuts and caramel.

Disney Today Info Source

Just take a look at all of the big name celebrities who have become hugely successful after a start on the Disney Channel. Mel Gibson as you know has run into trouble on the West Coast with his drinking, and purported anti-Semitic remarks resulting in Disney cancelling a Holocaust series with Gibson's production company. As family members we make choices that prove we are more interested in taking the week-end to go to Disney Land, the lake, the cabin, or the mountains.

A visit to any of the Disney properties reinforces the importance of consistently representing your brand. If you set out to go to Disney World in Florida, you don't just get in the car and drive in any direction. Disney will provide you with high-quality, attentive customer service and a dedication to family.

I have been investing in the stock market for 12 years now-since I was given 3 shares of Disney by my grandparents for my birthday. Toshiba has the backing of New Line Cinema, Disney and Universal. Hilary Duff then performed at the age of 8 in "Casper Meets Wendy" before being noticed in a casting for TV series Lizzie McGuire in 2001, produced by Disney and adapted to movie in 2003.

The Disney Movie Club features all the great Disney classics (except for titles that are "in the vault"), and just looking over the list of their movies is exciting. Apple in recent days has attempted to stake a claim on the movie download market by striking a deal with Disney Studios to deliver movie downloads.

By the way, Eleanor Audley can now be heard as the voice of Madam Leota in the Haunted Mansion ride at Disneyland and Disney world. Not to animal shelters for Dalmatians after the Disney craze ended.

Nevertheless take rest Go to Disney Word, take a vacation. Playhouse Disney is a must for the younger guests, fans of Bear in the Big Blue House, Winnie the Pooh, Rolie Polie Olie and Stanley all appear on stage and bring the BIGGEST smiles to those little faces you will see all day. Then there's the song that introduces the genie, Friend like Me, with one of the 'trippiest' sequences in any Disney film.

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The Concert Legends

“Without music, life would be a mistake” is a famous old saying. However, without the great musicians there is no great music. Those who are really interested in live concerts would have come across the names Tom Petty, Kanye West, Kenny Chesney, and Jimmy Buffett. They are the real music legends. Spare a little time to reading on, to know more about these legends.

Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers

Tom Petty will be familiar as a singer, song writer, and a guitarist to those who love heartland rock music. The songs like “Don't Do Me Like That", "Refugee", "Runnin' Down a Dream", "The Waiting", "Don't Come Around Here No More", "I Won't Back Down", "Free Fallin'", "Mary Jane's Last Dance", "American Girl", "Learning to Fly" and "You Don't Know How It Feels", are heavily played hit singles by Tom Petty which act as medicines for broken hearts. Born and raised in Gainesville, Florida, USA, Tom was very much interested in rock and roll music early at the age of 11 when he met Elvis Presley. He began his recording career with Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers, the band's 1976 debut album, which was initially unpopular in the United States. Their second album, You're Gonna Get It! marked the band's first Top 40 album.

Kanye West

Kanye West, who is one of the great American rap artists and a hip hop producer, released his debut album “The College Dropout” in 2004. His recent, third album being “Graduation” was released in 2007. All his albums received lots of awards (including nine Grammys). Kanye West who was born in Atlanta, Georgia was involved in a near car crash fatal in 2002 while driving home from the recording studio. The crash provided inspiration for West's first single, "Through the Wire". Kanye also won the ‘best new artist’ award in 2004.

Kenny Chesney

Everyone who loves to hear music of country genre would have come across the name ‘Kenny Chesney’. Born in Knoxville, Tennessee, Chesney has recorded thirteen albums, eleven of which have been certified gold or higher by the Recording Industry Association of America. ‘I will Stand’ Chesney's third album for BNA, was released in 1997. "She's Got It All", which served as the album's lead-off single, became Chesney's first Billboard Number One single, spending three weeks at the top of the country charts.. Yet another enthusiastic artist in the globe!

Jimmy Buffett

Jimmy Buffet, the 62 year old businessman is also a successful singer and a song writer. His band is known as “the Coral Reefer Band”. He has also produced movies recently including hits such as "Margaritaville". Buffett began his musical career in Nashville, Tennessee during the late 1960s as a country artist and recorded his first album, the folk rock Down to Earth, in 1970. Jimmy Buffett has released over 30 albums, as of October, 2007. In 2007 Buffett received the CMA Event of the Year Award for his song "Hey Good Looking" which featured Alan Jackson and George Strait.


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